Forest Incident, Compensation & Moving Forward

2 min readJul 23, 2021

A few hours after the first Forests were made available, it was discovered that there was an issue with how the token payments for staking in the WKCS Forests were being disbursed.

No user funds were lost, and stakers were able to unstake from the Forests without issues. Additional deposits into the Forests have been paused, stopping new users from experiencing the issue. The WKCS reward held by the Forest contract can also be recovered, and will be used to re-establish the staking campaign as soon as possible.

Participants in the Kukaburra ecosystem should feel safe interacting with the ecosystem — the community treasury (approximately 400 trillion Kukaburra) will be used to compensate the affected participants.

To summarize the problem, the WKCS token has a fallback function, which is used to handle the payment of native currency (KCS, used for gas) so that the currency can be wrapped into KRC-20 tokens. This fallback function caused unexpected behavior in the reward payout logic which caused the transaction to revert. Notably, the forests for staking LPs rewarding Kukaburra do not have this issue (as it is inherent to the interaction with the fallback function in the WKCS token).

An updated Forest contract has been developed, new test suites added, and will be deployed shortly.

Contract test suite being executed

Going forward, every Forest participant who paid the Kukaburra token transaction fee to stake (6%) will be compensated with 10% of their recorded total token volume (in the Forest) before deposits were paused as well as 200 billion Kukaburra for every unique address that participated (excluding the deployer wallet). Users who staked in the Forest without the Kukaburra token transfer fee will also be compensated for the inconvenience experienced, with 100 billion Kukaburra being sent out to each unique address.

Stay tuned for more updates, including the relaunch of the WKCS rewarding Forests and Kukaburra ecosystem development news.

